Book Club Mom’s Author Update: News from Lauren Scott

Hi Everyone! I just caught up with memoirist and poet Lauren Scott and she’s here to tell you about her new poetry collection, Ever So Gently.

Lauren Scott

Author name: Lauren Scott

Genre: Poetry, Memoir, Fiction

Books: New Day, New Dreams; Finding a Balance; More than Coffee: Memories in Verse and Prose; Ever So Gently: A Collection of Poems

News: My fourth book, Ever So Gently, is a collection of poetry that was released in July of this year. The poems are divided into three themes: The Wisdom of Nature; The Noise, The Laughter, The Chaos, The Loved Ones; and Lost in Thought. Ever So Gently expresses the gentle demeanor in which I welcome nature’s offerings. The gentle way in which I should react to life’s challenges. The gentle grace in my heart full of gratitude for the love in my life. For the support of family and friends through every stumble and celebration. When I witness another sunrise, I remember to breathe and live gently. But succeeding in ‘gentle’ may not happen around the clock, so if I slip up, I will try again.

Everywhere I turn, a poem is there for the writing. It’s in my marriage with my husband, Matt, who is my best friend, and we will celebrate thirty-five years in January. From that first delicious kiss to a deeper love that matures over the decades. It’s in the memories of when our children became a new bloom in our family garden, or now in a simple conversation with them as adults. Poetry comforts as we experience unexpected health scares or financial setbacks. And pondering the rewards of life itself inspires me to jot down ideas before they’re lost on the breeze.

My strong link to nature is evident, taking the readers on a tranquil walk through a redwood grove or extending an invitation to sit quietly on a patio, captivated by the simple magnificence of a hummingbird. I underscore how life presents mysteries we struggle to solve. We can’t help but ponder the deeper meaning of a simple vision. I prompt the readers to reminisce and reflect upon their past, present, and future.

Most poems in this collection are in free verse. But a small gathering of syllabic poetry: Haiku, Tanka, Etheree, Shadorma, Didactic Cinquain, Double Ennead, and Oddquain found their niche in this assembly. Style notwithstanding, my hope is for the readers to discover poems that evoke a special memory or act as a reminder that they are not alone in living with their emotions. Maybe they’ll get a good laugh or experience an ‘aha’ moment. Above all, when the last page is turned, may the reward of living Ever So Gently be discovered.

A little backstory is that when I decided on the book title, I knew I wanted a gentle cover. My son had offered to create the cover, so I told him that I wanted soothing colors and an organic, minimalist design. My assumption was that he’d create it digitally; instead, he painted the cover on canvas, and it fit perfectly with the title and message of this collection. So, the beautiful cover credit goes to my son, Michael, and I wanted to share this with you. Thanks so much for reading.

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