Who’s That Indie Author? Leora Krygier

Author Name: Leora Krygier

Genre: Memoir, Fiction and Non-Fiction

Books: Do Not Disclose (8/24/21), Keep Her, When She Sleeps, Juvenile Court

Brief bio: Leora Krygier is a former Los Angeles Superior Court, Juvenile Division judge. She’s the author of When She Sleeps, praised by Newsweek, Booklist, Library Journal, and Kirkus. When She Sleeps was also a New York Public Library Selection for “Best Books for the Teen Age.” She’s also the author of Juvenile Court: A Judges Guide for Young Adults and their Parents and Keep Her, a young adult novel. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, David.

What got you started as a writer? I started writing little stories, poems and micro-autobiographies when I was in third grade. I loved going to my local public library and sitting on the floor in between the stacks. It was there that I started dreaming of seeing my name one day on a bookshelf. It felt like something magical and permanent to write a book, something that would outlast me.

What difficult experience has helped you as a writer? As writers, we absorb and observe everything around us – people, places, events, along with all our good and bad experiences. I started writing fiction so I could make up the stories I wanted to read. Much harder was to write a memoir, my current book, with real people and real events that happened to me and my family. Knowing the truth about my family, learning that my best friend from childhood was actually my sister, was a difficult but freeing experience and writing about it was hard but also cathartic.

Have you ever participated in the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)? If so, how many times and what was your experience? I haven’t participated in this.

What advice would you give a new indie author hoping to publish a book? Publishing used to be a sort of “old boys club” where few writers were chosen by a small, select group of New York City publishers. We are luckier today with the advent of self, hybrid and boutique publishers. New voices can now be heard and this democratization of books is good for everyone. That said, because of the new (and large) influx of books on the market, it’s not easy to be found or heard, even once a book is published. You have to be prepared to work as hard or maybe even harder at marketing your book than writing it and you have to have realistic expectations. Also, it’s a good idea to contribute to the general conversation out there – pitch articles, personal essays or your own expertise. Every article you write, every IG or Facebook post you make is a piece of the publishing puzzle.

What has been the biggest challenge for you during Covid? Hardest for me, like many others, was not to be able to see and hug the people I loved. Also, not to be out and about to plan, look for and find new experiences. Yet, Covid was certainly a time for reflection and gratitude and an understanding of what is important. Time seemed to stand still and melt away quickly, both at the same time. Covid gave me more time to read, walk and think. I think we will all incorporate some of the lessons we learned about ourselves and the world post-Covid.

What are you reading right now? I’m actually rereading a classic – Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. Every once in a while, I go back to the classics I read in high school, especially the ones with female protagonists and female writers. I’m blown away by the fact that despite the fact that Jane Eyre was written in the late 1800’s, the novel has not only stood the test of time but continues to be relevant, beloved and appreciated today.

Would you rather laugh or cry over a book? I think I’d rather have a good cry, even though I always hope there are some lighter moments in a book.

Have you ever climbed a tree to read a book? Not exactly “climbed,” but my parents had a large tree in front of their house that had a little half-wall around it where I would sit, play “imaginary kitchen” and read until dark.

Have you ever dropped a book in the tub, in a pool or in the ocean? Well, almost. Does spilling an entire large cup of coffee count? I’ve got a few older, but treasured books with coffee stains that I don’t have the heart to throw away. A few stuck-together pages don’t seem to bother me.

Could you live in a tiny house? Hmmm, a tiny house. I’ve lived in tiny apartments in Paris and Saint Tropez, so the thought of living in a tiny house is both challenging and intriguing. I do love the notion of paring down and living only with what is absolutely necessary. But my tiny house would have to be on a piece of land that included a creek, a forest or a mountain within sight.

What are the small things that make you happy? Reading, starting to think about and writing a new book, taking photographs, shopping, (especially after a year of Covid) traveling, hiking, and chocolate.

Website and social media links:
Website: leorakrygier.net
Instagram: @leorakrygierauthor
Facebook: @LeoraKrygierAuthor

Are you an indie or self-published author?  Do you want to build your author network? Get your name out on Who’s That Indie Author!

Email bvitelli2009@gmail.com for a bio template and other details.

Thanks for visiting – come back soon!

20 thoughts on “Who’s That Indie Author? Leora Krygier

  1. Leora, your book cover is alluring as is your author photo – ha! I would think your background as a judge would feed your imagination and also give credibility to your writing no matter what the genre. This caught my attention: There’s something “magical and permanent to write a book, something that would outlast me,” though to date I’ve written only memoir with fictional “asides” on my blog.

    Thanks, Barbara, for featuring Leora’s book today I love how you promote indie authors.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Marian – thank you for stopping by and leaving such a thoughtful comment. I also liked that comment about how she feels about writing a book being “magical and permanent.” Hope you are doing well!


    2. Thank you Marian for your comments! I actually do not like having my photo taken. I’d rather be on the other end of the camera. My daughter seems to be the only person who can take a decent shot of me lol. Hoping you’ll have the opportunity to read the book. There’s a goodreads giveaway of ten books going on right now 🙂 Happy summer reading to all!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for introducing us to Leora and her book, Barbara. I enjoyed learned more about her. As someone who works within the juvenile system at my day job, I’m grateful for her service.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Jill for your comments! Kudos to you for working with the juvenile system. Not easy, but often times rewarding. If we can save some kids from a worse future, we have all done our jobs. All best to you!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Barbara, this is a lovely interview. “It felt like something magical and permanent to write a book, something that would outlast me.” This is exactly how I feel about books. Jane Eyre is my favourite classic.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Robbie – I’m glad you liked meeting Leora’s responses. I am also a fan of Jane Eyre – it’s right up there on my list. Thank you for reading and commenting. I hope you are doing well. Playing catch-up again, I’m afraid. 🙂


    2. Hi Roberta! Thank you for your comment! Looks like we are sisters in writing 🙂 Jane Eyre, the book, ever gets old. And the movie remakes – I can watch again and again and again….

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Hi Barbara,
    I enjoyed this interview and it’s nice to learn about Leora. Her book sounds intriguing. Since I used to work in the court system, it is interesting to know her former career path. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi, Barb – Thank you for introducing us to Leora. She has a very interesting bio. And great minds think alike! I also just finished rereading Jane Eyre. I agree that it remains incredibly relevant to our world today!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you so much for the opportunity of telling a little bit about myself on your website! I so enjoyed answering your questions. They were insightful and fun. What a wonderful site for authors and the reading community!

    Liked by 1 person

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