Today on YouTube – NEW Episode of Read, React Decide!

Hi Everyone,

I’m over on YouTube reacting to three random books and deciding which to read. I hope you’ll have a chance to watch!

Thanks for visiting – come back soon!

27 thoughts on “Today on YouTube – NEW Episode of Read, React Decide!

    1. Haha – you never know what you’re going to get. I’ve committed to reading one and the one I picked is it, whether I like it or not! It looks interesting, though, so I’m good. Thanks so much for watching!

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  1. What a fun way to choose books! It’s like the library version of B&N’s ‘Blind Date With a Book’. I’ve read a few books by Amy Clipston, but I don’t know the other two authors. I would have probably picked the same one you did. It had me at ‘trying to have a baby’. I’m a softy like that.

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    1. Hi Josephine – yes! I’m a softy like that too, plus I like secrets, and even though this one sounded like it “was for good, not evil,” it sparked my interest. Thank you so much for watching! 🤗

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    1. Hi Davida – oh, well, truthfully, I don’t think I’ll get to them or the multi-author type of books. I even stay away from 2-author books. The ones I did read were good, but I had to read them for my job. I guess it’s because when I’m reading a book, I want to feel like I’m getting into the author’s (individual) head. Thanks for the visit and comment.

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