Book Review: The It Girl by Ruth Ware

The It Girl
Ruth Ware

Rating: 4 out of 5.

I really liked this suspenseful mystery about a group of Oxford students whose tight friendship centers around April Clark-Cliveden, Hannah Jones’ rich and stunning first-year roommate. The group falls apart when April is murdered. Evidence points directly at John Neville, a creepy college porter who is ultimately convicted and sent to prison. Neville emphatically insisted on his innocence, but Hannah’s testimony removed all doubt.

Ten years later, Hannah is pregnant, married to April’s ex-boyfriend, Will. After years of media hounding and posts about the sensational murder, interest has finally waned and they are happy to move on. Everything changes when Neville dies in prison and a young podcaster looks into the case.

When the journalist contacts Hannah, she must decide whether to open up what Will calls a “can of worms.” The story jumps between these two timelines, filling the reader in on the dynamics of the group’s friendships, with the expected secrets. Turns out April has a bit of a nasty side. Is it possible Hannah got it wrong?

Ruth Ware does a great job helping the reader put all the pieces together, slowly, so you suspect several people for different reasons and think maybe Neville was indeed the murderer. I’ve said this many times, but I don’t like to guess what’s going to happen. I just like to go along for the ride and this is an excellent book for that experience.

I also liked how Ware uses the Oxford setting as part of the mystery. I enjoyed imagining the long history of scholars studying there, a place that sounds beautiful.

The surprise ending explains a lot of side comments and mysterious movements, dropped throughout the book, but disguised as unimportant. I love that!

Ruth Ware is a skilled writer of mystery/thrillers and I recommend The It Girl to readers who enjoy this genre.

I also liked these books by Ruth Ware:

One by One

The Woman in Cabin 10

Thanks for visiting—come back soon!

53 thoughts on “Book Review: The It Girl by Ruth Ware

  1. Ruth Ware is a good mystery writer. I don’t often read this genre but I liked The Woman in Cabin 10. I’ve been to Oxford, a great place, so that would be a super setting.

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  2. I like Ruth Ware but have only read The Death of Mrs. Westway. Like so many prolific authors I seem to read one novel, then don’t want to chance not liking another one so I don’t read anything more. Writing this I realize how nutty I sound.

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    1. Hi Ally – oh I don’t know that book – did you like it? I used to binge read authors, once in the 90s I went on a big Anne Tyler one. But now I jump all over the place. I don’t think your strategy sounds nutty – so many books out there, it’s better to get a sampling of them! Hope you’re having a great fall weekend!

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  3. This book sounds familiar: I think I may have read a sample.I’m going to order it from the library.

    Sent from the all new AOL app for iOS

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    1. Hi Marian – I’ve never been to Oxford and I enjoyed envisioning the university. I thought the author did a great job with the setting and, although my own college is only about 200 years old, she evoked some of my own memories. Thanks for the visit!

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  4. Great review, Barbara. Your last post intrigued me, so I’m now reading this book and can’t seem to put it down. I also love the setting, and I’ve read all of Ruth Ware’s books prior to this one, I think. 🙂 I love a good mystery, trying to fit the puzzle pieces together as the story unfolds, and she’s a great mystery writer.

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    1. Hi Jennifer! Yes, I think Ruth Ware is very good at writing in this genre. Thanks so much for stopping by – I hope you are doing well. Is it getting cold there? We are still having some mild days. 🤗

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