Book Review: Old Yeller by Fred Gipson

Old Yeller
Fred Gipson

Rating: 5 out of 5.

If you’re looking for a great classic children’s book that will make you tear up at the end, I recommend Old Yeller, a Newbery Honor book published in 1956. I know that’s a long time ago, but we really need to keep these classics alive!

Set during the 1860s in the Texas Hill Country, it’s about fourteen-year-old Travis whose father heads to Kansas on an extended cattle drive and puts Travis in charge of running their homestead. Before his father leaves, Travis asks him about getting a horse. “You know I’ve been aching all over for a horse to ride,” he tells him. “What you’re needing worse than a horse is a good dog,” says his father.

His father leaves, and in comes Old Yeller, a stray dog. At first, Travis wants nothing to do with the “big ugly slick-haired yellow dog” with a chewed-off ear. But his mother and Little Arliss convince him to let the dog stay and name him Old Yeller, both for his coloring and his unique yelling-bark. Soon Travis discovers how much he needs a dog to keep them safe, help him hunt, and ward off dangerous animals. And before long, the dog becomes a faithful and beloved friend.

Life on the frontier is harsh and children grow up knowing danger and shouldering many adult-like responsibilities. Travis must hunt, maintain the farm, tame animals, keep animals out of their corn crop, mark wild hogs (and more), and protect his family. Travis learns the hardest lesson when he must put his feelings aside to save his mother and Little Arliss.

I fully enjoyed re-reading this moving coming-of-age story and plan to watch the movie very soon. The author’s vivid descriptions placed me right in the scenes and I felt all the tension that Travis and his family experienced. I liked how the author showed how the family worked as a team and how Travis grew during the months when his father was in Kansas. Even five-year-old Little Arliss learned some tough lessons. I highly recommend Old Yeller to readers of all ages!

Thanks for visiting—come back soon!

30 thoughts on “Book Review: Old Yeller by Fred Gipson

      1. Fess Parker was one of my favourite actors back then. He was Davy Crockett and I was quite caught up in anything “Wild West” so just seeing him in the Old Yeller movie made it special for me. And of course we always had dogs when I was a kid so the movie really was a tear jerker for me.

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  1. I cried so hard when I read this book my mother kept threatening to take the book away from me. Then in college, my roommate and I went to see the movie at the Fox theater in Riverside, Ca. We sat in the balcony, and she kept saying I was embarrassing her with all my crying, if I didn’t stop, she’d get up and leave. I don’t think I’ll read it again.

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  2. I’m going to be the voice of dissent here, but I have to say I don’t think middle schoolers are still reading and enjoying this book. My school had an issue with the sixth grade language arts teacher so I was called in to take over the last quarter of planning and co-teaching his class. We had sets of books for small groups literature circles and Old Yeller was one that was available. I had never read it and my principal who was helping me get things prepared, saw I had it out. I asked him if it was appropriate, he said, “As long as you don’t mind a dog dying.” He knew that was a dealbreaker for me so we gave it to the other teacher but if I had more time and resources, I would have chosen a different book. I’ve since read it and used it as a plot point in my own writing.

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